Saturday, March 1, 2008

Candle Light - The Oscars

Timmy's class put on a dinner while they entertained about 250 people last Saturday night. The theme of the entertainment was "The Oscars." In this picture Timmy is shown recieving an Oscar for Best Film Crew Director. The drama about a Hollywood director who decided to make the best movie ever by combining all of the greatest movies of all time into one was hilarious in parts. Batman, Gone With the Wind, Veggie Tales, Star Wars, and probably 20 other movies were highlighted in the comedy. Proceeds from the dinner went to finance their senior trip and to take the 2008 seniors out to dinner one night this spring.

Denice worked in the kitchen on Friday evening and all day Saturday preparing the food. After the event Denice Timmy and I got home at about 1:00 am after washing the dishes and cleaning up. Even though it was a lot of work, we had a good time getting to know the rest of the mom's and dad's from Timmy's class.
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Kingston is growing up

We took Kingston from his mom about February 1 along with his brother that we called Princeton. Princeton went back to his mom about 10 days later. The next few nights Kingston was pretty whinny and lonely. Today he is a feisty pup at about 10-15 pounds. Sometimes he reminds us of a fox other times a bear cub.

We are trying to train him to go in the grass, to quit nipping at us when we are minding our own business, and guard the house when we are gone. So far we have failed at all three. Maybe some day.

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